we can save our time , money ,vital force and health if we follow some points.which are given below
1. get up early in morning and sleep early at night.
2.keep body clean.
3.take right food at right time at right quantity. eat when you feel hungry .chew meal properly , avoid fried foods,do not drink water with meals
4.go to pass urine just after meal
5. take meals 3 hours before going to bed.
6.do fast once in week or when you feel heaviness.
7.aviod heavy and excess meal,more spices,pickles,tea coffee all intoxicants ect.
8.take fruits ,sprouts,milk, and corn flacks in breakfast for lunch whole wheat bread ,boiled vegetables and salad.take light dinner
9.make a habit of walking on foot.
10.not to get overweight.
regularly practice yoga and meditation.
12.take rest and sleep according to need.
13.avoid more medication
14.make life disciplined
16.keep contact with nature
17.enjoy health
18.avoid constipation.
19.sit straight ,stand straight and walk with spine vertically erect.
20 avoid excess in every aspect of life.
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